State Electric’s Low Voltage Systems Division recently completed a cutting edge Corning® Optical Network Evolution (ONE™) software-defined local access network (SD-LAN) installation that included 12 server cabinets. Our team, led by Project Manager Joe Vaccari and Foreman Ben Jackson, seamlessly delivered the project for our client. Instead of having separate copper networks for voice, data, IPTV, Wi-Fi, security, and audiovisual, our client was able to deploy a single strand fiber to each designated area while carrying the traffic of all the above.
This Corning solution utilizes fiber’s superior reach and unlimited bandwidth to provide a highly scalable converged networking approach. While delivering a single-mode fiber and power to network edge, it creates a technology-neutral network. By supporting both active Ethernet and passive optical LAN over a software-defined network architecture, the SD-LAN solution features application automation, policy, and simplicity to operations.
Currently, State Electric is the only electrical contractor in the Boston area with the certification to install the Corning® ONE™ SD-LAN system. We are set to install this same system at our upcoming Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport project and foresee this emerging technology becoming increasingly popular on future projects.